Like many, the CORVID-19 virus has wreaked havoc on our lives. No one could have predicted the school closings, mass hoarding and buying hysteria and the closures and temporary hours cuttings and layoffs that so very many industries and small business owners have had to face. I, like so many, have been given an 'unexpected vacation' from my part time work. After the shed of tears and much needed sleep, I have come out the other side.
Here are the things I have CHOSEN to believe:
1. I have missed my husband, now I get to spend more time with him!
2. My inventory for jewelry is EXTREMELY low with most of it in The Art Nest Gallery in Spearfish. SO, time to start creating again!
3. There are projects around the house that need to be dealt with, now is the time.
4. Trello boards are my organizational heaven!
5. We are coming back to South Dakota to next weekend to get the last of our belongings from storage. We were going to do this the end of April, but God willing, I will be back to work by then!
6. I need to look at this time as a gift, a reset. Frugal will be the new norm, but that is ok.
* I believe we will come out of this better people, with a reset climate (google Venice, Italy canals and dolphins) and a strong economy once again!
* Use this time to be with your loved ones doing things together.
* Shop Local whenever and however you can. Small businesses need you and appreciate your support and patronage in these times.
* Look for lots of new pieces of jewelry and posts from me!! I'll try hard not to spam you.